Once you've finished editing your image, it's time to save or share it (the "Go" in PicTapGo). Tapping Go from the Edit Home Screen will bring you to the Share Screen.
Canvas Options
PicTapGo presents several canvas options for your output image. Swipe the carousel of thumbnails or tap a thumbnail to change the canvas.
Full will save the image as it appeared in the Edit screens, with no additional canvas or cropping.
Square Full will crop your image to a square canvas
Square Fit will fit your image onto a square canvas and fill the remaining space with a solid white.
Square Float will place your image centered on a square canvas. The Inset slider controls how much space is left around the image.
Note: if you want a square image, using the Crop tool is generally better than the Square Fit option, as it allows you to move the image around. And you can reproduce the behavior of Square Fit by using Square Float with Inset set to 0. Both Square Fit and Square Float are still included because they were original options in PicTapGo Classic, and some users still use them.
Save in Place vs. Save as a Copy
When saving to your photo library, PicTapGo supports either modifying the original image, or creating a new photo in your library with your changes (the default). You can change this behavior in the Settings Screen.
Modifying the original image requires an additional confirmation step every time you save an image. However, changes made to the original image are non-destructive. You can revert to the original image in the Photos app, or by opening the image for editing later in PicTapGo, where you can remove or modify steps made in previous editing sessions. That's because when we save to the original image, we're actually just sending your iOS Photo Library a modified copy, and a list of your edits. iOS retains both images, allowing you to resume a PicTapGo editing session for an image just by opening it again in the app (or App Extension).
Batch Processing
Once you've finished editing an image, you can apply the same recipe to multiple photos at once in the Share Screen (see notes on what is not included in a recipe in the Recipes help article).
Select Batch from the Share options. then tap the images you want to apply your edits to. Selected images will be framed with a red box. Press the Apply button to begin processing.
Note: Batch processing only supports saving as a copy, and a new image will be created for each batch processed image, regardless of your Save as a Copy setting.
Output Options & Settings
You can change several aspects of how images are output in the Settings Screen. See the linked article for more information.
Saving Recipes
You can create a new recipe from your edits by pressing the Save Recipe button, to reuse the same editing steps on future photos. See the section on Recipes for more.