The Library in RadLab is the most important part of the program. Here, you’ll see instant previews of your Stylet and Recipe collection, as they’d look if you applied them to the current image. Every time you add a Stylet, the Stylet thumbnails update to show how they would change the current image. Using Stylets and Recipes can be as simple as just scrolling until you see something you like.
Stylets are single modules of processing magic, that you can combine together to create the perfect look for your images. Each Stylet behaves a little differently, and every Stylet has at least one parameter you can change to alter its behavior. You can add the same Stylet to a photo multiple times, if you’d like.
Your Stylet collection is displayed in thumbnail form, organized by category, in the Library window. Click the Stylets button at the top of the Library to show them. You can collapse and expand the categories in the Library by clicking on the small triangle beside the category name. Hovering over a thumbnail with your mouse will change the Preview and Recipe panels to a preview of how that Stylet would alter the photo. Use this to get a closer look at exactly how a Stylet will look before adding it. Click the thumbnail to add a Stylet to the current Recipe.
A Recipe is a collection of Stylets and their parameters. Applying a Recipe to an image will replace the current recipe. To access your Recipes, click the Recipes button at the top of the panel. Recipes are user-created, so you’ll have to create some before this area has a lot to look at. Using Recipes is exactly the same as using Stylets, with the exception that applying a Recipe will replace, rather than add to, the current image’s Stylets. Browse your Recipes by scrolling through the Library window. Hover over a Recipe to get a preview, and click to apply. You can delete a Recipe by clicking the trashcan icon beside it.
The Library also includes a History of your recent recipes. Your Recipe History is shown at the bottom of the Recipes listing in the Library. You can apply previous recipes by simply clicking on them.